Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul.
— John Muir

Family Office Services

For families with net worth of $10-50+ Million

The time and attention required to manage complex finances effectively can be overwhelming. Investment programs have to be planned and implemented. Financial information needs to be collected, taxes paid, legal entities structured. Changes in personal circumstances, especially business transitions, can further complicate matters. Whether it is day-to-day financial management or serving the needs of a large, multi-generational family, many wealthy individuals may not have the time, interest, or expertise to take on these tasks.

Many families have traditionally relied on a family office to coordinate, control, and organize their wealth. Advances in technology have facilitated the growth of an attractive alternative: a “virtual” family office, in which some or all family office functions are outsourced to third-party providers. This can make the family office structure an even more convenient and cost-effective way for families to keep track of their wealth. Whatever course you choose, we can help you deal with ongoing financial needs or coordinate multi-disciplinary solutions with family office expertise.

As with everything we do, we integrate our specialized advisory services into your overall wealth management plan to include your investment, estate planning, and financing objectives. We work with you and your advisors to find the best way to leverage our capabilities for the benefit of you and your family.