Cypress Asset Management

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Investment Approach

Investment Approach: The classical Greek term Praxis, a word for action or activity, best describes our firm's approach. Praxis refers to practice that is informed by theory and theory that is informed by research and practice. Our firm combines the latest in investment theory and research with a disciplined process to help our clients preserve, grow and manage their wealth.

Despite the quickened pace of modern life, we view investing as an organic process that takes time to mature, sprout and bear fruit. In addition to investment performance, we consider an investor’s behavior to have a major impact on the management of his/her portfolios. The way you frame your financial issues, your expectations for outcomes, and your tolerance and ability to withstand market volatility influence the performance of your portfolios significantly.

Investment Process: Our firm utilizes a proprietary process Strategic Portfolio Design™, which begins by conducting a "Financial Check-up" with a detailed inventory of your finances and experience. We then develop your individual financial profile, which outlines your financial needs and goals. After conducting our Risk Assessment and Risk Tolerance Analysis, your customized Investment Policy and Plan is developed. This is a collaborative and often iterative process; we may start from the intended future and build to the present with a road map of how to get there. This collaborative design process allows us to develop and execute a specialized plan for each client.

Our individual portfolio construction is based on Core/Satellite Portfolio structure, utilizing tax-managed indexing. We view ourselves as a manager of other managers on your behalf. In addition we may select individual securities from time to time. For taxable accounts we use active tax management and tax loss harvesting strategies. While no one can predict the future with reliability, we often conduct simulations and sensitivity analysis to account for many possible outcomes and their impact on your financial well-being.

Investment Management: Account performance is regularly monitored and adapted as circumstances in the world and your life evolve. We manage for compliance with your Investment Policy, control risk, and evaluate the underlying investments for minimizing expenses and optimizing after-tax investment returns. We find robust and sustainable solutions that we can improve upon over time to account for you and your family's individual circumstances.

Arches National Monument, Utah

Sea of Cortez, Mexico

Courchevel, France

Punakaiki, New Zealand

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